Boobies - Red Footed ( Sula sula ), Brown ( Sula leucogaster ), and Masked ( Sula dactylatra ). These cute lil guys are the puppies of the sky. They have funny webbed feet with tiny little claws that are good for paddling in water AND perching on trees. They make nests for their chicks out of twigs between 1-6 feet off the ground and do not seem to have a preference of vegetation to nest in. Booby chicks are my favorite because they are cuter for longer and have more endearing quirks than Red Tails or Frigates. While they aren't the only plunge-divers the live here, I see Boobies hanging out on the water the most out of all the pleagic seabirds on JA. I haven't been able to research it but I also think they have unique eyes for seeing above and below the surface. If we approach them while they're nesting or roosting they do a funny head bob, or "Booby Bow" while rotating left and right, which I think helps them establish depth or at least better perception, as th...