End of November Update - 16 days until departure

The p elag ic birds have returned in force! Most species didn't ever really leave but there have been notic e ably few nests of all the species since August. It makes sense that we would not see as many birds nesting, the nesting season for most species avoids the hottest part of the year. The majority of chicks simply would not survive to fledge in the punishing heat. The Tropicbirds, Frigates, Boobies and a few Brown Noddies still occupied Johnston during those months but we noticed the absence of the Sooty Tern colony, White Terns and Black Noddies . Just this past Wednesday Sarah and I were able to document the first Sooty Tern eggs! We had been watching the colony do their aerial mating dances for the last 5 weeks or so, and they had been teasing us with loafing behavior (meaning they just sat on the ground and LOOKED like they were incubating an egg). Finally, on the weekly check, Sarah and I noticed the Sooties were more interested...