Johnston Update October 12, 2019
I don't really know what people are interested in hearing from me, I kind of feel like I am talking to an empty room but the benefit is that I can say whatever I want!
Please feel free to comment on any of these posts.
This update includes a little treat. I created a 61 question Harry Potter Trivia set for an evening entertainment last week and have included it at the end of this update for the readers pleasure. We don't have the books and only the first movie which those of us who are Harry Potter fans are a little sad about. This was my attempt to make up for that and Sarah has requested that we have a Harry Potter Party for Halloween. We are all supposed to dress up and I just started planning my costume, but I am not telling yet. I am also helping Steven make a Dobby the House Elf costume.
I HAVE attempted some Halloween decorations for the Ant Cave. There is a bird-bone wind chime and a paper sack jack-o'-lantern that uses one of our solar lights.
There isn't much by way of season change so we are making sure to feel spooky by watching Dexter and Stranger Things.
The Boobies and Frigates are busy building their nests and there has been many cute sightings of boobies walking around on piles of sticks, picking one up, walking a bit farther, putting it down and picking up another. Ryan and I watched a booby spend 5 minutes trying to yank a sub-par stick out of it's nest and when it finally succeeded it opted to fly in a circle and come right back to put the same stick back on top of the nest. The bird had moved it exactly 3 inches from the original position. It briefly made me question the thought process/intelligence of these creatures that we're tasked with helping but then I realized I was the one who just spent those minutes WATCHING the bird do this pointless task so I was reminded that I am NOT any better then them.
The Frigates have been observed stealing choice sticks out of neighbors nests and having to dodge flying boobies has become even more important because they've started carrying around branches at head-level.
I spotted a giant White Spotted Hermit Crab (Dardanus megistos) on Friday the 11th, off the Pinnacle at the East end of the island where we rarely get to snorkel because of the current. This crab is one of the largest hermit crabs in the world, it can reach 12 inches, and usually isn't found shallower than 150ft in Hawai'i. The one I found was probably only 35ft deep which was a real treat because I was able to dive down and show Ryan where it was and he snapped an awesome photo.
I also impressed Ryan by spotting 5(!) more Swallowtail Nudis from that depth so he was able to take some good photos. Ryan is our wildlife photographer and has been trying to photograph every species on island, oof, a big task! We also snorkeled around a strange/creepy raft that had gotten tangled in the reef about 30ft off shore and had appeared in the last couple of days. It was a collection of nets and bamboo logs and even had a broken solar beacon attached to it.
We obviously didn't find any castaways but it's still crazy creepy!
These last two weeks I've been studying cloud formations and have become rather annoying to my fellow CAST members because I keep forcing them to listen to me categorize and debate with myself, all the clouds that we've had. We've been experiencing many days of Cumulus clouds, with a few rain-warning days of threatening Cirrus, Altocumulus and Cirrocumulus, which resulted in two separate days of dumping Nimbostratus and Cumulonimbus clouds. I now know more about swelling, building convection cells and what clouds can forecast! I'm even more annoying because I get obnoxious when my forecast is correct!
I completed a map of Johnston today, complete with all of our important landmarks and only one spelling mistake, urgh.
I think next week I will attempt to do a more in-depth photo or video tour of camp and our living spaces.
Harry Potter Trivia 10/8/19
Book 1 Questions (8 + 1 Bonus)
1) What is Dudley's best friends name?
2) What school is Dudley enrolled in?
3) What school is Harry enrolled in?
4) Where did Hagrid finally find Harry?
5) Where does Harry first meet professor Quirrel?
6) Out of Harry, Ron and Hermione, who was the first to perform a magic spell?
BONUS POINTS for what spell is was
7) What professors contributed to the defense of the Sorcerer's stone in the book but not in the movie?
8) What do Hermione's parents do for a living?
Book 1 Answers
1) Piers
2) Smeltings
3) St. Brutuses School for Criminally Incurable Boys
4) A lighthouse
5) The Leaky Cauldron
6) Hermione, she fixed Harry's glasses using Occulus Reparo
7) Snape and Quirrel
8) They're dentists!
Book 2 Questions ( 10 + 2 Bonus)
1) What did Dobby steal from Harry?
BONUS POINTS for the reason why
2) What spell was Lockhart super good at?
3) Name everyone who was petrified (6 possible)
4) What does the Skele-Gro potion do?
BONUS POINTS if you can say who causes Harry to have to drink it
5) Who was Hermione SUPPOSED to turn into via the Polyjuice potion?
Book 2 Answers
1) Letters, to make Harry think he didn't have friends and to discourage him from return to Hogwarts
2) Obliviate, the memory charm
3) Hermione, Nearly Headless Nick, Colin Creevy, Justin Flitch-Fletchly, Penelope; Percy's girlfriend, Mrs. Norris
4) Grow bones, Lockhart removed all the bones in Harry's arm
5) Millicent Bulstrode or Pansy Parkinson
Book 3 Questions (10 + 4 Bonus)
1) What was Buckbeaks alias after he escaped the death penalty?
2) Name the type of animagi of the Mauraders (3 possible)
BONUS POINTS for each Mauraders nickname
3) How do you summon the Knight Bus?
4) How do you stop the Whomping Willow?
5) What form did the Bogart take for; (3 possible)
6) What spell gets rid of a Bogart?
Book 3 Answers
1) Witherwings
2) Stag or Prongs, Dog or Padfoot, Rat or Wormtail, Moony
3) Raise you want arm out over the curb
4) Jab the knot at the base of the trunk
5) Spider, Snape, Moon
6) Rikikulus
Book 4 Questions (7 + 2 Bonus)
1) What teams played at the Quidditch World Cup?
2) Which team won?
BONUS POINTS for the circumstance of the win (2 possible)
3) What did Mad Eye Moody turn Malfoy into?
4) Who did Harry give his winnings to?
5) Name the 3 unforgivable curses (3 possible)
Book 4 Answers
1) Bulgaria and Ireland
2) Ireland, but Bulgaria (Victor Krum) caught the snitch
3) A ferret
4) Fred & George
5) Killing, Crusiatus, Imperious
Book 5 Questions (8 + 3 Bonus)
1) What is the address for the Order of the Pheonixs headquarters?
2) What is Ron's owls name?
3) What did Ron and Hermione get awarded that Harry didn't?
4) What is Hermione's Patronus?
BONUS POINTS if you can name Ron's or Luna's (2 possible)
5) What student association did Umbridge make to counter Harry's DA?
6) Who replaces Professor Trelawny as the Divination Teacher?
7) Where is the "Secret Weapon" hidden?
BONUS POINTS for the "Secret Weapon" Hermione shows Umbridge
8) What is the acronym for the first Hogwarts standardized test and want does it stand for?
Book 5 Answers
1) Number 12 Grimauld Place
2) Pigwidgeon
3) Prefects
4) Otter, Dog, Rabbit
5) The Inquisitiorial Squad
6) Ferenze the centaur
7) The Dept. Of Mysteries, Grawp
8) OWL, ordinary wizarding levels
Book 6 Questions (7 or more + 1 Bonus)
1) What is Professor Slughorns first name?
2) What nickname did Ginny and Hermione give Fleur?
3) Name Bellatrixs two sisters (2 possible)
BONUS POINTS for Tonk's first name
4) Which of the Half Blood Princes spells did Harry use on Malfoy?
5) Who did Ginny date before Harry?
Book 6 Answers
1) Horace
2) Phlegm
3) Andromeda, Narssica, Nyphodora
5) Dean Thomas
Book 7 Questions (16 possible + 1 Bonus)
1) How did Harry become master of the Elder Wand?
2) Name as many Horcruxes as possible (7 possible)
3) Who all did Dobby rescue from the Malfoys basement (3 possible)
BONUS POINTS for the creature who helped him
4) What creature did the horn on the Lovegoods wall actually belong to?
5) What is the spell for water?
6) Who is Harry godfather to?
7) What are Ron and Hermione's children named? ( 2 possible)
Book 7 Answers
1) Disarmed Draco
2) Harry, Cup, locket, ring, diadem, diary, snake
3) Luna, Griphook, Ollivander, Keature
4) Erumpet
5) Aguamenti
6) Teddy Lupine
7) Hugo, Rose
Lightning Scar Round (1 turn min for each, previously mentioned answers don't count)
List as many Gryffendors as you can
List as many Slytherins as you can
List as many Ravenclaws as you can
List as many Hufflepuffs as you can
List as many professors as you can
List as many Death Eaters as you can
List as many aurors as you can
List as many spells as you can
You are not talking to an empty room, Anna! I am really enjoying reading about your adventures. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job of learning and exploring within a rather small area!
ReplyDeleteFrom Anna:
DeleteTo the Unknown person
Thank you! I am glad people find my little stories entertaining
Ok I have to get this out of the way or it's going to drive me nuts - In book 1, I thought Harry had been enrolled in the local public school? I think it was only book three when they said he went to St. Brutus'. lol...anyways.
ReplyDeleteI am both mad impressed and mad jealous (but also not) of your adventure! I don't think I'd be able to cut it out there because the ocean terrifies me (hence the not jealous...Puget Sound is about as wild as I get haha), but boy is that cool and I want to hear all the science and nerdy things when you get back! I love the Halloween decorations, and I've got to say the paper sign and the bird bones creep factor is really made by the slightly crusty, craggy doorway and the dark hole it seems to lead into xD. It looks like the entrance to a very sketchy haunted house which is absolutely a Halloween LOOK.
Also you'll have to give more details about the map at some point, it looks like a runway going down the middle but I thought it was too lumpy for that. Love your labeling system though.
And, I am stoked to talk about clouds with you. I've been learning about weather, and standard lapse rate, cloud formation, types,'s all very exciting : P.
From Anna:
DeleteTo Ella
YOU ARE RIGHT about the schools but I needed more questions for book one and no one else picked up on that discrepancy! No one even had a guess for which school Harry was supposed to attend. My trivia was too hard for them. Also I had no way to reference a book or look up the answers.
And that is definitely a runway going down the middle of my island drawing!
I am glad to have some knowledge about clouds now, I always felt like Washington had one cloud type = blanket. Obviously now I know better! Of course, I won't know as much as you, being a pilot is way more involved!
I'm reading Anna! I promise to comment more. I love seeing the map. It really gives me a sense of the scale. I can't wait to see you in Hawaii.
ReplyDeleteU. Steve
But I know nothing of Harry Potter.